FACT:  The common psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs being given to millions of children are documented by International Drug Regulatory Agencies to cause worsening depression, hallucinations, mania, diabetes, suicidal ideation, and many more serious and life-threatening side effects. Moreover, many of the psychotropic drugs prescribed to children are highly addictive drugs and can lead to "drug dependence" (addiction), according to literature from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

Parents are quite simply not given this information,  yet it is their right to have full information about the documented risks of the drugs being prescribed to their child. It is for this reason that CCHR with it's Fight For Kids campaign, created simple, easy to understand summaries of these psychotropic drugs which provide documented side effects, drug warnings, studies and adverse reaction reports filed with the FDA.

(Note: No one should attempt to get off psychiatric drugs without doctor's supervision)

Number of children on psychiatric drugs in the u.s.

In the U.S. alone, 6.1 million children are currently being prescribed psychiatric drugs—more than 418,425 are aged five and under. These are the actual figures taken from the IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database, the most credited source of pharmaceutical prescribing information available in the United States. See Full Breakdown here>>

ADHD Drugs


Antidepressant Drugs


Antipsychotic Drugs


Anti-Anxiety Drugs


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